Are The Non-Attached Ones Emotionless?

In spirituality, the concept of non-attachment often sparks curiosity. In fact, it is one of the most misunderstood topics, leading the world to believe that practitioners of non-attachment have become heartless, self-centered individuals who have lost touch with their humanity.

True non-attachment, however, is not devoid of emotion. Instead, it is a profound understanding of the nature of attachment and an unwavering commitment to unconditional love and compassion.

Not Emptiness, Compassion!

Many misconstrue non-attachment as a state of emotional emptiness, believing it to be a numbness to the joys and sorrows of life. That is not non-attachment; that mental state is known as drugging yourself!

Non-attached individuals experience the full spectrum of human emotions, including joy, sadness, love, and pain. What sets them apart is their response to these feelings.

Whenever I have to leave someone or they leave me (which is mostly the case), I feel sadness. But I do not dwell or cling to my pain or grief. As an antidote, I use the below technique:

I allow my mind to talk and emote for a while. Then, I visualize white light spreading over that person, symbolizing the replacement of my pain with compassion. Recognizing that everything good must eventually end, I embrace their departure as a normal part of the human experience.

Unconditional Love

In conditional love, people say things like, “I have done so much for you, but you are still doing this to me. You are not behaving well.”

Non-attached individuals who have embodied unconditional love do not hold onto others for their own selfish gains or desires. They approach relationships with openness and compassion, allowing others to come and go as they please.

When someone chooses to leave a non-attached person, whether it is a friend, lover, or mentor, they do not resist their departure. They offer blessings and well wishes, making their release easier and guilt-free.

And when someone returns, non-attached individuals do not harbor hatred or bitterness. They warmly welcome them back, hugging them with the same love and care as before. That’s because for the spiritually awakened, holding onto prejudices or negativity merely hinders their own peaceful state of mind.

Path to Joy and Peace

In a world that often glorifies attachment and ownership, the path of non-attachment shines like a beacon of freedom and liberation. By dropping thoughts (emotions) at will and surrendering to the divine mandate, the non-attached ones find freedom from suffering.

At its foundation, non-attachment is a fusion of unconditional love and compassion. It is the ability to accept life’s impermanence and to love without suffocating anyone. It is a way to respect the opinions of others because spirituality is all about following your heart (while using the brain, of course).

Let go of attachments and be guided by the wisdom of unconditional love and compassion, which are the basis of non-attachment. That’s the path to joy and peace.

Sri Devi Om
