The Power of Public Speaking

According to modern research, public speaking tops the list of people’s fears. This hurdle stands tall for many in their personal development journey.

Fear of public speaking arises from a complex combination of fear of judgment, insecurity about looks, low self-esteem, etc.

A Spiritual Austerity

Spirituality does not always have to be practiced by sitting in meditation or chanting mantras. There are several practical methods to improve spiritually.

Treading the path of public speaking is one such spiritual austerity. When you speak formally, even in front of a camera, your mindfulness shoots to an all-time high. This makes you vulnerable and pushes you out of your comfort zone to confront many fears and insecurities that bubble up.

Creating an opportunity to face this fear head-on unlocks a world of spiritual growth. Hence, I insist all spiritual seekers harness the power of public speaking by running their own YouTube channel where they show their faces and talk to the world.

Developing Skills for Success

As I noted, public speaking triggers spiritual growth, but its practical benefits are equally compelling. Recording yourself speaking formally teaches you the vital skills of grooming, body language, communication, and presentation.

These skills are not only necessary for personal growth, but they also serve as the foundation for professional success.

Plus, you must learn, read, and research to find topics to speak about, which constantly nourishes your intellect. This helps people improve and refine their craft in any field or activity.

Turn Distraction Into Growth!

While recording yourself speaking may be daunting, especially for beginners, the rewards far outweigh the initial discomfort. Further, the prospect of financial and social benefits from a popular YouTube channel adds an extra degree of motivation.

Therefore, whichever way we see it — spiritually, personally, or professionally — public speaking brings profound transformation. By confronting our fears and tapping into the power of self-expression, we pave the way for success.

So, if you don’t have a YouTube channel, start one today to show your face to the world. No, I don’t work for Google, and this isn’t a publicity campaign for YouTube! It is me trying to help you convert a space as distracting as YouTube into a growth opportunity.

Sri Devi Om
