The Three Pillars of Spirituality

In the hustle and bustle of our everyday life, we live in a world where the greatest pandemic is the spiritual void. Almost every other person I meet seems dissatisfied or stressed out with their living conditions. In today’s hyper-connected, fast-paced societies, the need for spirituality has peaked.

Nevertheless, spiritual transformation isn’t just about reading and debating philosophy, hoping your life will magically improve. If any such path exists, yours truly is utterly clueless about it. The spiritual journey as I traversed it is laid strong by three pillars that form the foundation.

Your Effort: The Key to Success

Nature’s principle of cause and effect governs this universe. If we desire success, we must put in conscious effort. There is no second way to this. In Sanatana Dharma, this effort is termed Sadhana — the means that leads you to a goal.

Sadhana can be anything. If your goal is weight loss, your Sadhana is cutting calories and sweating at the gym. In spirituality, Sadhana refers to rituals that target cleansing of the mind and self-discovery. This includes meditation, introspection, yogic practices, prayer, etc.

A garden without tending is a sheer mess. Similarly, a mind without Sadhana is a raucous, messy jungle.

Your Faith: The Seed of Hope

As the late Steve Jobs remarked in his iconic Stanford address, to survive and navigate the complexities of life, we must have faith in something. This concept resonates deeply with spirituality.

Whether in oneself, a mentor, or the divine, faith is a cornerstone of our spiritual evolution.

In this context, faith does not imply mindless adherence to anything. There is a distinction between surrender and enslavement. Here, we are talking about surrender, a form of acceptance.

In the absence of faith, hopelessness permeates our existence during challenging situations. Faith becomes the anchor that provides us with inner strength when life tosses boulders at us. It promotes resilience, enabling people to withstand anything with calm and grace.

Your Service: The Acts of Selflessness

The third pillar of spirituality is Selfless Service, or Seva in Sanskrit. Nature’s Dharma is evolution, and only those who become selfless instruments in the hands of Nature support this Dharma. As a result, Mother Nature is mostly disinterested in giving anything more than the bare necessities to self-centered individuals.

Hence, the ancient wisdom says —

Service is worship. By caring for others selflessly, we bow to the divinity latent in every soul.

When we speak of volunteering service, we should not confine ourselves to grand gestures; even random acts of kindness go a long way. For example, leaving kind comments on posts you read qualifies as an act of service.

The essence of Seva is the intention to contribute without regard for personal gain. It is a spiritual exercise that helps us transcend the ego, connecting us to a higher purpose.

On Rocket Fuel!

The three pillars we covered serve as eternal guideposts in your spiritual journey. Your Effort propels you forward, Your Faith helps you weather the unseen forces of destiny, and Your Service brings grace and blessings.

If you truly seek inner peace and fulfillment, embrace these pillars to ensure your spiritual journey sets off like it’s on rocket fuel.

Eliminating your spiritual void is mostly in your hands. So, what are you waiting for? Step up your game and begin your quest… right now!

Sri Devi Om
