The Escape Room Game

The fundamental questions many spiritual practitioners ask are –

  • Why am I here on Earth?
  • What’s the point of this life?
  • Why do we need to strive for liberation (freedom)?

The Escape Room

Of late, teens around me often go out to play a game. It’s a physical version of the classic Escape Room. Here’s how it goes:

At the start of the game, people are locked up in a room. They have to find a key to unlock and escape the room. For that, they decipher clues running against a ticking clock.

What if I told you — This Earth is an Escape Room? And that we’re all locked up here and must find the key to exit?

It may hurt the human ego, but nobody has discovered why Nature created us.

In this situation, it does feel like the divine is making us play the game of spirituality in the Earthly Escape Room!

The Spiritual Game

The Goal: The goal of spirituality differs per faith. A few commonly known terms are emancipation, Nirvana, liberation, Mukti, etc. In a nutshell, all of these mean emotional and spiritual freedom.

The Key: The key to this Earthly Escape Room is called Self-realization. Each person has to find their key. In other words, each person has to become mindful and discover/understand themselves.

The Clues: To discover or understand yourself, you must find clues. For that, we keep learning to gain Spiritual Wisdom. With every piece of profound realization, we get closer to the key.

The End: One fine day, the puzzle gets solved, and we reach our destination. That day, the game ends. We’re out of this Earthly Escape Room forever.

Life is a spiritual game set up by Divine Energy! Keep playing this Earthly Escape Room. That’s all there is to our existence.

Sri Devi Om
