Hey! This is Sri Devi Om, a renunciate at heart.
And yes, since I write books—both fiction & non-fiction, you could call me an author of spirituality. But I don’t write to live; I live to write!
My life has been a rollercoaster ride that eventually transformed into a fairytale. My spiritual quest started when I was around 9-10 years old, but life took a different turn, allowing me to fully enjoy my family and worldly existence.
At the age of 32, I began my spiritual training with my monk-friend (a famous Sri Vidya expert) and continued for about seven years (2012–2019). Nature’s abundant grace, the blessings of an enlightened soul, and my own dedicated efforts to my Truth resulted in a vision of the divine.
This encounter with the divine led me deeper into the path of Sri Vidya. Shortly after, situations distanced me from my monk-friend, leaving me without a physical guru. I walked on, guided by my inner guru, and eventually surrendered to Divine Energy. This triggered awe-inspiring spiritual experiences, which led to a sense of inner peace and eternal divine presence.
Now, having reached my spiritual destination, I feel calm, content, and confident. Life continues to throw its challenges at me, but I just flow with it without any grand plans or purpose. To make myself useful, I share all of what I have learned via my books and blogs.
My Life’s Lesson
Sri Devi Om
2001—Bachelors in Computer Science. Uni. of Madras, India.
2001—App Support & Academic Counselor. National Institute of Information Technology (NIIT) in Chennai, India.
2001—Migrated with family to New Jersey, United States.
2002-05—App Developer. Amersham Health / GE Healthcare in Princeton, New Jersey.
2004—Remote Working. Married and relocated to Wichita, Kansas.
2005—Software Programmer. CCH Incorporated / Wolters Kluwer in Wichita, Kansas.
2005-06—Software Release Manager. Resolution Health / Wellpoint in San Jose, California.
2007-11—Director of Data Analytics & Informatics. SCFHP in Campbell, California.
2011—Quit my career for personal reasons. Focused on caring for my family and reviving myself.
2012-19—Active mentorship by a Sri Vidya expert for seven years. As a service, managed my mentor’s projects for three years.
2020-21—Situations distanced me from my mentor. Pursued spirituality sans a human guru.