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Category: Poems

Pranava Arati: A Hymn for Om

By Divine Grace, I present an Aarti I penned for SD Revive. It is a devotional and philosophical hymn honoring a …

She is Me, and I am Her.

My Truth that aligns with Sri Vidya — everything in this universe is Sri or Divine Energy. She is Om, and …

The Future of My Kind

A poem about what motivates me to write. Beyond that, it reflects my perspective on life where I do not labor …

My Offering To Her

This is my humble ode to the gender-neutral Divine Energy. I refer to That as Her because I practice Sri Vidya, …

In Reverence and Gratitude

Without going into details, the depression phase of my life was a traumatic, life-changing experience. This poem denotes my struggle with …

How does it matter?

Most of us worry too much about what others think of us. I was also a victim of this thought process. …