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Category: Hinduism

Menstruation: Is It A Taboo?

Can I do Sadhana during menstruation? Can I do Pooja or Archana during menstruation? These are questions women often ask. Frankly, these …

Navaratri, A Celebration of Life

We know it’s Navaratri when we see Indian women, clad in their most elegant attire, hopping around chirpily. The men are …

The Sri Chakra-Raja Song

My Ishta, or favorite divine, also happens to be the final goal of Sri Vidya: Sri or Divine Energy. When Sri manifests in …

Is Lakshmi the mother of the universe?

Sanatana Dharma (SD or Hinduism) is an umbrella term for several sects. Each subsect views a different divine as the Mother or …