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Category: Hinduism

Pranava Arati: A Hymn for Om

By Divine Grace, I present an Aarti I penned for SD Revive. It is a devotional and philosophical hymn honoring a …

The Six Pillars of Hinduism

Sanatana Dharma, or Hinduism, is a spiritual path that centers on compassion, non-attachment, and freedom from Samsara — the cycle of …

The Unwavering Strength of Draupadi: Service, Compassion, and Dharma

The Mahabharata is not merely a saga of grand battles. It is also the incredible story of individuals who lived in …

Sadhana Chatushtaya — Save Yourself From Drowning in Philosophies!

Everyone has their philosophies. In the Devi Bhagavatam, even the villain Mahishasur sermons on his ideologies to the Divine Mother. Inferring …

Clothing Colors in Sanatana Dharma: Remove Obsession With Appearances

The vibrant clothing colors worn by Hindus reflect their appreciation of art. Still, colors are not just a matter of taste …

Borrowing Money or Love Freebies? Think Twice Says Hinduism.

Are you one of those who is casual about freebies — borrowing money, taking free services, or accepting free gifts? It …

Radha, The Divine Mother of Love

A while back, I stumbled upon an engaging question: Why didn’t Krishna wed Radha? The person who posted this query discussed …

Sannyasa: It has nothing to do with your sex life!

Many scholars translate Sannyasa as monkhood, which means living under the vows of poverty, celibacy, and obedience to some group or guru. …

Brahmacharya: It Is Not Celibacy!

Brahmacharya is a widely misunderstood term. Lately, many have tended to believe that it means celibacy. If you are one of …