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Archives: Blogs

Water-The Elixir of Life

We all know that we must keep ourselves hydrated, but the big question is: How much water should we drink daily? …

The Joyful Hamster on the Wheel

Have you ever noticed that we live in an imaginary world? No, I’m not referring to the one where our creative …

My Offering To Her

This is my humble ode to the gender-neutral Divine Energy. I refer to That as Her because I practice Sri Vidya, …

Sannyasa: It has nothing to do with your sex life!

Many scholars translate Sannyasa as monkhood, which means living under the vows of poverty, celibacy, and obedience to some group or guru. …

Brahmacharya: It Is Not Celibacy!

Brahmacharya is a widely misunderstood term. Lately, many have tended to believe that it means celibacy. If you are one of …

Being An Organ Donor

What does Sanatana Dharma or Hinduism think about being an organ donor? A lovely person I coach asked this question, to which …

The Psychology of Stinginess

Stinginess is an essential topic in terms of personal finances and emotional well-being. Although stinginess and frugality may appear identical on …

Menstruation: Is It A Taboo?

Can I do Sadhana during menstruation? Can I do Pooja or Archana during menstruation? These are questions women often ask. Frankly, these …

The Strangest Thing

My cousin, who was very close to me as a youngster and lived in the same region as me as an …