In Reverence and Gratitude

Without going into details, the depression phase of my life was a traumatic, life-changing experience. This poem denotes my struggle with existential depression and the spiritual assistance Divine Mother sent my way.

It was an eerie night’s gloom,
The cluster of darkness in full bloom. 
Not a door or window in my room, 
To facilitate my exit from the fume.

The wings of fire blazed in and out, 
Yet, every ray of light burned out.
In despair, my whole world consumed,
Dignity and self-esteem deplumed.

I screamed.
I yelled.
My cry for help still not discerned, 
Despite my voice shrilled.

As I walked into the inferno’s womb, 
Ready to offer me to the tomb, 
Sudden showers of blessings poured, 
At the raging fire, the rain roared.

Out of the blue, a spirit spoke.
From the sky, it said, Hope! I am Hope!
In that downpour, my roof formed a chute, 
Proffering me an escape route.

At the first rays of dawn, when the day awoke,
That moment was Nature’s masterstroke,
For, I stood rescued by Divine beatitude.
Then, on my knees, I fell in reverence and gratitude.

A poem by Sri Devi Om