Awakening The Inner Guru: The Crux of Spirituality via Sanatana Dharma

In Sanatana Dharma-based spirituality, the awakening of the Inner Guru has profound significance. The Inner Guru is a highly evolved state of conscience—one where it becomes a divine force that guides you in every scenario with utmost clarity. When your conscience evolves to this level, it answers all your questions without needing external support.

The Significance of the Inner Guru

This brings us to the question: Why is awakening your Inner Guru such a crucial spiritual evolution? To answer this in one line — the power and clarity of your Inner Guru reflect how much you have progressed spiritually.

Awakening the Inner Guru is not merely a nice thing to have. Instead, it is the very crux of your spiritual growth. The truth of our inner world is that no one, including your physical guru, knows your spiritual destination. The only “thing” that is aware of this “Truth” is your Inner Guru.

However, despite its significance, most people fail to recognize the value of this Inner Guru and keep searching for answers to their spiritual questions from external sources. As a result, many remain spiritual seekers all their lives, feeling unfulfilled, restless, and unhappy.

Therefore, as a seeker, if there is one thing you wish to focus on, it should be awakening your Inner Guru. When you do this, you become spiritually and emotionally self-sufficient. This, in turn, facilitates the discovery and attainment of your spiritual goals.

A Key Trait of a Guru

One of the essential traits of an excellent spiritual guru is that they never encourage attachment to themselves. That’s because attachment is the greatest hindrance to awakening your Inner Guru.

Think about this: If you rely heavily on your external guru and they keep encouraging it, how will you be motivated to awaken your Inner Guru for support?

For this reason, genuine gurus let you swim the ocean by yourself after initiating you or giving you all the tools needed to navigate the waters. It can be frustrating, but this is how you will progress.

Do You Need A Guru?

Now, addressing the elephant in the room, do you really need a guru and their initiation to awaken your Inner Guru? My answer is an emphatic — No!

The presence of a genuine guru acts as a catalyst. Their initiation can shorten the time required to awaken your Inner Guru. What may take five decades for you to do could be reduced to a decade with a guru’s presence, provided you put in the effort.

Having said the above, even though a guru’s presence can help, we have no control over who will be our guru and even if we will have one. Nature decides if you need a guru, who should be your guru, and how long you should be in their presence.

Therefore, the smartest thing to do is to keep walking the spiritual path as directed by your heart and let Nature worry about the Guru saga.

Let Nature Decide

Many factors influence the pace at which your Inner Guru awakens. This includes your karma baggage, current mindset, social circle, life situations, etc. Still, in my opinion, there is just one factor: how pressing is your desire for spiritual transformation? If it is so strong that you can toss everyone and everything away, Nature will make the necessary arrangements.

I’ve never searched for a guru in my entire life, but somehow, guidance kept pouring in. When I felt so desperate for spiritual transformation that I was ready to cast away everything — money, name, fame, pride, identity, and even my loved ones — my spiritual monk-friend walked to my doorstep (literally). Yet, he never became my guru because, for reasons I’d rather not disclose publicly, my Inner Guru was already strong and clear. So, Nature decided I just needed a friend in case I stumbled.

In summary, awakening your Inner Guru is the crux of spirituality, and Nature will do whatever it takes as long as you have a burning desire for your spiritual progress. If Nature believes you need a guru, they will show up. If Nature decides you don’t need one, your guru will vanish. And if Nature feels you need one again, a guru will reappear.

Trust in Divine Nature and Keep Walking. It’s that simple. Really.

Sri Devi Om