Somethings Are Beyond Human Control

I often receive emails from individuals seeking spiritual remedies for health issues, and it breaks my heart to see how many are misled by promises of miracle cures.

Before anyone accuses me of being anti-spiritual or spreading lies, I acknowledge that mantras can cure diseases. But this happens only when a wide range of criteria is met — perhaps one in a million.

Consider my monk-friend, Swami, a mantra science expert. Despite his mastery, he wrote in a blog that he faced his own health struggles. This raises the question: if mantras were a foolproof remedy, why would someone so accomplished need doctors?

Also, my own family — my husband, son, and I — have battled health concerns for years. If healing were as simple as waving a wand, we would have found relief by now.

I’ve seen how effectively mantras work, but they aren’t a magic solution for everything. The harsh reality is that many health issues are beyond human control. Consult healthcare professionals, adhere to wellness routines, and meditate to free the mind from stress. There is no replacement for this.

That said, even though mantras aren’t cure-all, they can aid your healing. These practices helped me—

If you explore these spiritual options, please remember to stay hydrated because they can fluctuate your body heat.

Beyond these, there is no other magic here. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but my job is to clear misconceptions spread over generations. Hence, I repeat—some things are beyond human control.

If you have health issues, surrender to nature and care for yourself. Rather than crying and causing further damage, developing acceptance and being practical is always a wiser option.

Sri Devi Om