What does Sanatana Dharma or Hinduism think about being an organ donor? A lovely person I coach asked this question, to which I respond here.
Sanatana Dharma (SD) has no universally defined stance on anything. It is one of the most liberal faiths on this planet, governed by a single concept that appears in practically all its important texts:
SD directs each of us to follow our Dharma. That means we should always follow our hearts, use our brains, and act compassionately in all situations.
Aside from the above, everything else mentioned in the scriptures is just suggestions and recommendations based on the life experiences of sages and scholars — nothing more, nothing less.
There are many speculative ideas and views, but like everything else, SD has no defined stance on organ donation. However, this faith SD strongly emphasizes Seva Bhaava — love, kindness, compassion, selflessness, and community service to help others. These are the characteristics of a sincere practitioner of Sanatana Dharma.
Furthermore, the scriptures give two choices for disposing of the body after death, both of which are per Dharma:
Organ donation fits into the second option above because it is an act of compassion, a virtuous deed that aligns with Dharma.
Each person or community within SD has its own beliefs about handling the body after death. That’s their thought and conditioning, which I don’t wish to comment about.
Ultimately, whether or not an individual chooses to be an organ donor is a personal decision. SD supports your decision by suggesting doing whatever gives you peace and joy. Everything else is immaterial.
Having said the above, here’s my own view based on my direct spiritual experiences:
What causes our death affects our rebirth, but what happens to the body after death has virtually no impact. Compassion is my highest Dharma, with all else falling far behind. So, per my Dharma, I wholeheartedly support organ donation.
Let’s be useful when we are alive. Let’s give more than we take. And if we can do these even after death by being organ donors, then even better.
Sri Devi Om