Is Lakshmi the mother of the universe?

Sanatana Dharma (SD or Hinduism) is an umbrella term for several sects. Each subsect views a different divine as the Mother or Father of the Universe. Some sects, such as Advaita, revere the Divine that is within you.

The Vaishnava tradition regards Goddess Lakshmi as the Mother of the Universe. In this highly religious system, she represents the energy of Lord Vishnu. Slightly deviating from this view, a few ancient Pancharatra texts and such regard Lakshmi Herself as the Source, the Supreme Divine Mother.

Sri Vidya is a tradition that I find appealing. We worship an army of deities in this system, including the Goddess Lakshmi. Gradually, we see that all forms are simply manifestations of One Source. Each person, however, perceives or grasps the One Source per their tendencies and abilities.

Sri Devi Om