Renunciate at Heart

After living my worldly life to the fullest, my mind has also gone beyond any dreams of spiritual accomplishment. As my AI-generated featured image indicates, I have turned my head away from the world and am just focusing on sharing my past learning.

Renunciation means you are skilled and capable of doing numerous things but feel complete with life because you have no desires. This is not the same as giving up because you are depressed or frustrated with your inability to accomplish anything. Instead, it is a peaceful state where you feel you have seen and done everything, and nothing else remains to enjoy. 

The adjectives that describe me today are clear, content, confident, and calm. I am just joyfully flowing with life without any grand plans or purpose. My husband and I have earned ourselves a luxurious life by divine grace, but I am a renunciate at heart.

To make the rest of my time on this planet valuable, I share whatever I have learned through my writings. I hope to author many more books before my final breath of life. Sharing my very first book below, which launched this journey.